Child & Family Services

The Child and Family Services unit at the Churchill Health Centre provides a wide range of services. They include:

Services to families: Provide family guidance, counselling, supervision and other services to families for the protection of children; help families connect to community resources, parenting support and access services to ensure the safety and well-being of children and youth are maintained.

Voluntary Family Services: Provides an option for lower risk families to prevent the need for protective services. Ongoing assessment ensures that children and youth remain safe in the family environment.

Child Protection Services: Investigate allegations or evidence that children may be in need of protection; develop and provide services which will assist families in re-establishing their ability to care for their children; can include placement in foster or group home care until a permanent placement can be found.

To report a child or youth in need, call (204) 675-8300 and you will be directed to the on-call worker.